
Friday, December 13, 2019

Advent 2019, day thirteen

Every one of us has something about ourselves of which we are ashamed, which we fear being exposed before others. Not a guilty secret of some misdemeanour, but something about our very self. Often, we’ve hidden it so deep for so long, we don’t even know it at a conscious level. But this is common to us all. There’s a story to reveal it to us in Genesis chapter 3.

There’s nothing quite like the results of a General Election to stir up our brightest light and murkiest darkness, in a swirl of inchoate emotion. And our first response is often to project our shadow onto others.

If, today, you are sad and angry, this testifies to your noble instincts, to act in what you genuinely believe to be in the best interest of your nation. But, if you allow it, it will also bring to light your shadow. Is your anger at self-interest a projection of your own greed, your deep fear of that being exposed? Is your sadness that people have been so played a projection of your deep fear of not being as knowing as you feel compelled to be? Is your looking for someone to blame a deflection from a deep fear that, in the final instance, you are always to blame?

If, today, you are rejoicing, this testifies to your noble instincts, to act in what you genuinely believe to be in the best interest of your nation. But, if you allow it, it will also bring to light your shadow. Are you convinced that left-of-centre parties are financially irresponsible? Perhaps your deepest fear is of being exposed as irresponsible, of having squandered what was entrusted to you. Do you think they are well-intended, but naïve? Perhaps your deepest fear is of being exposed as gullible, a poor judge, one who when it matters cannot be depended upon.

I’m not suggesting that these are your shadow; but you have one, and so do I. And, however we feel, today and the coming days are a time for shadow work.

It takes great courage to confront our shadow. More than that, it requires a sense of security. The judgement God declares over you is relentless love, which has never and will never hold back anything that is for your good. Even living as exiles within our own lives, we are not abandoned. All that is asked is that we step into the light.

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