Nicholas, early C4th Bishop of Myra:
renowned for secret acts of generosity;
adopted by sailors as their patron saint,
and carried by them to Amsterdam;
from there, as Sancte Claus,
carried onwards to New Amsterdam,
which, in turn, became New York;
from where,
dressed now in red with white fur trim,
relocated to the North Pole,
emerges Santa Claus:
for whom the children,
wait up watching…Almighty Father, lover of souls,
who chose your servant Nicholas
to be a bishop in the Church,
that he might give freely out of the treasures of your grace:
make us mindful of the needs of others
and, as we have received, so teach us also to give;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Amen.Collect for today, from
Common WorshipAdvent