about me

My name is Andrew Dowsett, and I am a neurodivergent ordained Anglican serving in the Church of England northern Diocese of Durham.

I started this blog while on the staff at St Thomas,’ a large network-model church in Sheffield, which became known for the development of missional communities, and for The Order of Mission, a global community of missional pioneers, which grew out of that church. Posts from 2004-2007 are more personal and cover a time of transition for us as a family, from being part of St Thomas’ to being sent out as members of The Order of Mission. Posts from 2007-2009 were written while I was at theological college at St John’s, Nottingham; posts from 2009-2011 in Liverpool (curate at St Andrew’s Clubmoor) and from 2011-2013 in Southport (curate at St James’ and St Peter’s, Birkdale), during which time I was serving in the Diocese of Liverpool. From Advent 2013, we have lived in Sunderland, where I joined the team at Sunderland Minster. Since 2019, I had, additionally, oversight of the neighbouring parish of St Nicholas,’ Bishopwearmouth. In June 2023, I moved from Sunderland Minster to become Priest in Charge at St Nicholas.

Over the years, the focus of my posts has varied. As well as recording personal story, I have written about issues relating to:
missional church leadership;
the trans/formation of identity; and
the rich resources of the Christian tradition—particularly the liturgical calendar—for mission in a post-modern, post-Christendom context.
These and other interests are filed under headings listed on the side-bar.

My primary reason for writing is to help me process ideas. My posts are often overly-long, and often come in flurries of activity. While this breaks all the ‘rules’ of a good blog, other people have found it helpful to read along. Most of their interaction, however, happens elsewhere—in conversation; on Facebook; by email—rather than here. Whether you are a new visitor or an old friend, you are very welcome. And if you find any of my posts helpful, would you consider forwarding them on to others?

My wife, Jo, and I have three young adult children—a daughter and two sons. I enjoy taking photographs, some of which end up on here; have dabbled in drawing; enjoy running, mostly 5K and 10K; and prefer small-screen dramas, with their unfolding story-arcs, to the big-screen.

you can email me at
andrew [at] dowsetts [dot] net
or contact me on facebook

All opinions expressed on this blog are those of the author, Andrew Dowsett, unless otherwise attributed. They should be regarded as provisional (“The illiterate of the C21st will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Alvin Toffler; “Repent and believe.” Jesus). They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Liverpool or Durham Diocese, The Order of Mission, or any other group to which the author belongs or has been identified with. Any comments posted in response express the opinion of the person making the comment. Censorship is kept to a minimum; however, the author asserts the editorial right to remove any comment.