One of the things I like about all of these images is that they are dynamic, involving some sort of movement or another - gathering, scattering, leading, and releasing. And I'd suggest that the church needs to be moving in all of these ways, at different times and in different contexts. Questions worth asking of our own context might be, in which of these ways ought we to be leading at the moment? And, how equipped are we to do so? And, if not very, how might we be better equipped?
I've been asked to provide a publicity shot for an event I've been invited to contribute to in Perth in October...
That's not the sort of thing I have on file! This is my favourite self-portrait, taken in a Swedish shore-line wood - but it probably doesn't fit the bill!
So, I thought I might post a few options, and risk a few opinions...
That's the sort of church commuity I love to see nurtured: one that (for example) lets people go off in little missional communities and have a go, returning to a "mother" community regularly - though perhaps with less frequency over time - to touch base with each other. In other words, an ongoing, developing, dynamic, natural family relationship.
"Kairos kisses" is a term Malcolm Potts - who we'll be spending our sabbatical with in Perth, WA - used in a recent email. I like it.
"Kairos" is the Greek word for "time" as in event or opportunity (as opposed to "chronos" - chronological time). It's the time Jesus refers to in his invitation: "the time has come; the kingdom of God is near; repent and believe the good news!" A kairos moment is an opportunity to experience God's life-giving rule breaking into our daily experience, as we turn and embrace Him. It might be a major life event; or a small, everyday occurance; arriving with a fanfare, or so quietly it is easily missed. I guess "Kairos kisses" happen when people connect in such a way that God's kingdom breaks in to both/all their lives. Like I said, I like it...