Saturday, October 29, 2005

What Happened Next

Thanks to those who pointed out I got the years a decade out on my last post. I had a fairly blinding headache at the time. I lay down on the floor, and it got worse - far worse than any headache I've ever had before. I couldn't move, and I couldn't cry out; but I could move my right hand, so I phoned Jo who was in another room in the same building...

...As I couldn't move or speak, an ambulance was called. They came and took me to hospital, where they stuck a canula in my hand (disproportionally unpleasant), hooked me up to a saline drip, and took a couple of brain scans. That was quite scary; they covered my eyes (to protect them from radiation), and didn't give me any information about what was going on (I couldn't ask, but I was conscious of some of what was going on around me), other than that they were injecting a dye through the canula, to show up the blood vessels in my brain. After about four hours, with nothing out of the ordinary showing up on the blood/urine/brain tests, and my speech having slowly returned to normal, they discharged me.

A big thank you to the people who looked after Susannah and Noah while Jo and I were at the hospital.

Yesterday, I slept until around 2pm. Today I feel much better. I think I'm going to be fine, but wanted to let people know. I'm also not sure how much internet access we'll have over the next while, but I'll try to keep in touch. If anyone is trying to contact me, my phone number is +61 414077589.


  1. andrew, it sounds dreadful. glad your feeling better today. we're praying for you.

  2. Anonymous1:36 pm

    hey andrew, hope you're feeling well again soon.

  3. Sorry to hear that! Get well soon!

  4. Anonymous5:54 pm

    Man, talk about a crappy anniversary present. Glad there was nothing seriously wrong.

  5. Anonymous11:38 am

    Hi guys, sorry to hear you have had a crap few days. we continue to pray for you. Hope you have a great belated anniversary soon. Love and hugs to you all.
