What does it mean for the scripture to be fulfilled in
our hearing today? This happens when, together, we encounter Jesus and, by his
Spirit speaking to us through the internal and external noise of our lives, we hear
and respond with trust and obedience. When, as Jesus puts it, we ‘repent and believe’
and follow him. When, over time, this forms more and more of our lives, at both
a personal and corporate level.
To say that ‘Jesus is the fulfilment of Scripture, and
all Scripture is fulfilled in Christ.’ (Brian Zahnd) is an invitation to a
lifetime of discovery. But here is my own attempt at a summary starting point
overview of the Bible, from this perspective:
Genesis: Jesus is the Second Adam, who fulfils
creation; and the new Abraham, who fulfils faith
Exodus: Jesus is the new Moses, who fulfils salvation
from the oppression of death
Leviticus: Jesus is the lamb of God, who fulfils salvation
from the oppression of sin
Numbers: Jesus fulfils sanctuary
Deuteronomy: Jesus fulfils Life
Joshua: Jesus fulfils courage
Judges: Jesus fulfils repentance
Ruth: Jesus is the Son of David who fulfils ethnicity
1 Samuel: Jesus
fulfils the sovereignty of God
2 Samuel: Jesus is the new David, who fulfils messianic
1 Kings: John the Baptist is the new Elijah, who
prepares the way for Jesus
2 Kings: Jesus fulfils the sovereignty of God (again)
1 Chronicles: Jesus fulfils the temple as the meeting
place of God and humanity
2 Chronicles: Jesus is the new Solomon, who fulfils
wisdom and grace
Ezra: Jesus fulfils the life of obedience
Nehemiah: Jesus fulfils the restoration of all that
has been ruined
Esther: Jesus fulfils intercession on behalf of God’s
Job: Jesus fulfils the presence of God in our pain
(or, Passion, that which is done to us)
Psalms: Jesus fulfils the prayer of every emotion
Proverbs: Jesus fulfils all truth
Ecclesiastes: Jesus fulfils God’s enduring presence in
our transient experience
Song of Songs: Jesus fulfils Love
Isaiah: Jesus fulfils suffering
Jeremiah: Jesus fulfils repentance (again)
Lamentations: Jesus fulfils grief
Ezekiel: Jesus fulfils the vision of heaven on earth
Daniel: Jesus fulfils humanity
Hosea: Jesus fulfils reconciliation
Joel: Jesus fulfils the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Amos: Jesus fulfils integrity
Obadiah: Jesus fulfils God’s judgement of the nations
Jonah: Jesus fulfils God’s mercy on the nations
Micah: Jesus fulfils justice
Nahum: Jesus fulfils divine opposition to evil
Habakkuk: Jesus fulfils trust in God
Zephaniah: Jesus fulfils the Day of the Lord
Haggai: Jesus fulfils the temple (again)
Zechariah: Jesus fulfils holiness
Malachi: John the Baptist is the new Elijah, who
prepares the way for Jesus (again)
Matthew: Jesus is the new David (again) and the new
Moses (again)
Mark: Jesus fulfils time
Luke: Jesus fulfils compassion
John: Jesus is the fulfilment of God (that’s a bold
Acts: Jesus fulfils the mission of God, to the ends of
the earth
Romans: Jesus fulfils salvation (again)
1 Corinthians: Jesus fulfils the Church
2 Corinthians: Jesus fulfils reconciliation (again)
Galatians: Jesus fulfils fruitfulness
Ephesians: Jesus fulfils unity and diversity
Philippians: Jesus fulfils humanity (again)
Colossians: Jesus fulfils heaven and earth
1 Thessalonians: Jesus fulfils time (again)
2 Thessalonians: Jesus fulfils patience
1 Timothy: Jesus fulfils godly character
2 Timothy: Jesus fulfils the resurrection of the dead
Titus: Jesus fulfils godly character(again)
Philemon: Jesus fulfils liberty
Hebrews: Jesus is the new Melchizedek, fulfilling eternity
James: Jesus fulfils the life of faith (again)
1 Peter: Jesus fulfils holiness (again)
2 Peter: Jesus fulfils revelation
1 John: Jesus fulfils Life (again) and Love (again)
2 John: Jesus fulfils Truth (again) and Love (again)
3 John: Jesus fulfils Truth (again) and Love (again)
Jude: Jesus fulfils glory
Revelation: Jesus fulfils the sovereignty of God (again) and so fulfils all things
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