
Tuesday, January 21, 2025



Paul, an early apprentice of Jesus, wrote:

...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control...

Galatians 5.22

This does not mean that these attributes are contrary to human nature, but that they are precisely the fruit we were created to produce, and the seeds and saplings of these attributes are planted in the soil of our lives by the Spirit of God.

(Immediately before writing this, Paul wrote about the contrasting desires, and works, of the flesh. But flesh does not refer to human nature; it refers to acting in opposition to what God hopes for us, such that we become brute animals, living yes, but less-than fully human.)

Whenever you experience love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (and whenever other people experience these in and through you) this is evidence of the goodness and mercy of God in our lives, and signs of what we are made for. We know this is not the only fruit that is sown or planted in our lives, and that bears fruit: there are those who sow division and discord, enmity, jealousy, partisanship, and all kinds of bitter fruit. But the fruit of the Spirit of God is not rare or exceptional: indeed, it is sown and planted lavishly in all of our lives, without favouritism, and bears fruit all of the time, even if it is not the only fruit in our lives.

Look for the good. In yourself and in others. You will find it. Then give thanks to God.

And when you note bad fruit, bitter attributes, in your own life, look for who sold you the seed or sapling, and look to remove yourself from their influence. By this I do not mean cutting people out of your life in ways that would be contrary to love, patience and generosity; but simply, be wise about who you go to for your garden supplies (character formation).

Who do you know who helps you to be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, generous, faithful, gentle, or self-controlled (regulated) perhaps by modelling these attributes in ways you can aspire to practice for yourself? Remember, the empowering Spirit of God, who is at work in their life, is at work in your life too.


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