
Friday, December 18, 2020

Advent day 20 (2020)



People of God: return!

You are called to be God’s own.

From the mountains announce the good news.

God comes in justice and peace,

to all who follow his ways.

You are God’s children.

Lord, make us one in the peace of Christ

today and for ever.



…to all who follow his ways…

With a week to go to Christmas, a small army of volunteers has completed the goal of delivering a Comfort and Joy bauble to households and businesses across the whole parish. Some have gone alone; others accompanied by a dog, a friend, a spouse, children, or grandchildren. All on foot, walking the neighbourhood.

Those who would follow God’s ways must travel at God’s pace: and that pace is three miles an hour, at most; walking in step with the slowest member of the party, often the youngest or oldest; stopping frequently for conversations with those who cross our path; yet with a considered determination to keep going until the vision is accomplished.

Keep going. We’re getting there, slowly.


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