
Thursday, March 06, 2025

non-anxious presence


I am witnessing a lot of anxiety at the moment. And in response, I want to say:

[1] The world is not going to hell in a handcart. The world is being drawn into the reconciliation of all things to God in Jesus. All movement that enlarges the distance between people, or between people and the rest of creation, is an aberration, a temporary state of affairs, where we have yet to respond to grace. Keep choosing to move with the grain of history, not against it, by the grace of God.

[2] 47 is not God’s man appointed to bring about God’s purposes. The man God has appointed, who has brought about, is bringing about, and will bring about God's purposes, is Jesus. No one else. Not 47, not you, not me. Christian Nationalism is idolatrous.

[3] On the other hand, nothing that 47 or anyone else can do can derail the trajectory to reconciliation in and with and through Jesus. Nothing that falls short of Love has the power to defeat Love.

[4] You are not reading about Putin and 47 in the Book of Revelation. Revelation is an apocalypse, a genre of work that lifts the veil on present events to reveal what is going on in a deeper reality. The present events in question being the end of what we now refer to as the first century of the Common Era. Revelation was written to encourage Christians living under the seemingly all-powerful Roman empire to remain faithful to Jesus, even to death, for through their faithful witness Rome would fall. Everything we see in Revelation concerns events that took place long before our time. Because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, we can extrapolate truth about the nature and action of God, and our vocation to remain faithful to Jesus in the face of empire, just as we can do with the texts that make up the Old Testament. But to claim that we are living in the events depicted in Revelation is an aggrandisement of our time, a foolish self-importance.

[5] Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. Turn away from sin and remain faithful to Christ to the end of your days.

As you were.


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