long for good things to happen to good people and bad things to happen to bad
people. I am an avid reader and viewer of crime fiction, and long for the
villain of the piece to receive their comeuppance.
longs for good for all people. This is the desire of God, the one true desire,
the one true will of the sovereign Lord of all creation. Ultimately, no false
desire can resist this true desire, that none should perish but all be
reconciled to God in Jesus and their find healing and wholeness, the salvation
of their souls.
are various villains at the foot of the cross. Pilate, Herod, Annas and
Caiaphas, Judas, even Peter. And over each and every one, the verdict is
spoken, ‘Father, forgive them.’
villain is drawn to Christ on the cross, and there, if not in the chronological
moment but (beginning with Peter) in the cosmic event, they are reconciled to
God, to their own shattered selves, to their neighbour, to the one they lifted
high through whom the desire of God has been fulfilled and is being fulfilled
and shall be fulfilled.
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