
Saturday, November 27, 2021

Advent readings 2021 : Day 0


Advent is the annual season of expectation, of attending to making ourselves ready for the Lord’s return, as we prepare to celebrate his first coming long ago. Each year, it has been my practice to count the days, with an Advent reflection. This year, I am going back to the very start, to contemplate what it means to declare that God is King of the Universe in the face of the upheavals of the world we live in. This was the defining question for God’s ancient people carried off into exile in Babylon—that is to say, how they wrestled with this question, and the answers they came up with, literally defined them as a people. Their answer was to shape a Great Story, a life-giving, hope-sustaining, future-imagining myth, from an oral tradition handed down to them over centuries. In their exile, and its aftermath, they wrote much of the Hebrew Bible, or Christian Old Testament, as we know it. I shall be working with Robert Alter’s translation, The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary.


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