
Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Spiritual parenting

Wonderful teaching from Lucy Peppiatt on spiritual parenting. In the Bible, parenting is not primarily for discipline (disciplinarian) and training, but to hand on to you your identity, to give you your identity in God; to give love and security; to teach you about the faith, the nature of God; to fan your gifts into flame; and to heal the inner child in you, so that you can be whole and not damage those around you.

(This is not about having earthly children, biological or adopted. The early church venerated those who did not have earthly children. Everyone needs parenting, and, indeed, more than one spiritual mother and father.)

God does not control—violating personhood, agency (paternalism, and maternalism, infantilises)—but empowers us by convicting of error and convincing of the right way. This leads to maturity.

The goal of parenting is to prepare people to leave you, to go off and have their own lives, their own homes, where they will do things their way...

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