Yesterday was All
Saints’ Day. The day we remember those men and women who were given grace not
only to touch the lives immediately around them, but to have a bigger impact, to
inspire others across a greater length and breadth through time and place.
Legendary lives.
And perhaps also a
good day to be reminded that in the Church, we are all saints – and all
reminded, when we
have convinced ourselves that we are all saint, and that those brothers and
sisters we disagree with are all sinner;
reminded, when we
have convinced ourselves that we, in the mess of our broken lives, are all
sinner, and that our brothers and sisters are paper saints.
We are all
stained-glass saints: fragile, yet crafted, like glass; the impurities that
stain us transformed into beauty by the light…
Today is All Soul’s
Day, or the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. The day we remember those
men and women who were part of our own local community – many of whom surround
our church buildings as they await the resurrection of the dead – and those we
have known personally, who encouraged us on our pilgrimage and who have gone on
ahead of us for now.
People talk to the
dead. I don’t mean through a medium, at a séance. I mean people visiting the
grave of a loved one, telling them news of family members; or the widowed, used
to having a partner with whom to work things through, sat in a quiet place
continuing a habit formed over years.
And many Christians,
in particular many evangelical Christians, don’t know what to make of that. At
worst, some think it wrong, dangerous, superstition that leads us away from
truth; at best, unnecessary: why talk to
the dead when you can talk to Jesus? they ask, seemingly oblivious to the
irony that Jesus has passed through death…
But that is to fail
to grasp what it means to be part of the Church (as we all do, in many ways).
Heaven and earth are not two kept-apart realms, but two realms brought together
in the person of Jesus. And if – this is a mystery – I am with Jesus, and if –
again, a mystery – the faithful departed are with Jesus, then – mystery – we
are together in him. And it is the
most natural thing in the world to speak with those we love when we are
Just as prayer is
conversation with the Father, through the Son and in the power of the Holy
Spirit; and as we pray, we may sense the Father speaking to us, prompting us,
guiding us; so we can talk with those we have loved and who have gone before
us, in the Father’s love, through the mercy of the Son and in the power of the
Holy Spirit; and as we talk, may sense their thoughts on whatever is on our
What lies beyond
death? We don’t know, exactly. The Presbyterian writer Henry van Dyke wrote
these lines (did they inspire CS Lewis’ Narnia?):
‘I am standing upon
the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze
and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand
and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where
the sea and sky come to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says:
“There, she is gone!” “Gone where?” Gone from my sight. That is all. She is
just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and
she is just as able to bear the load of living freight to her destined port.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone
at my side says: “There, she is gone!” there are other eyes watching her
coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout: “Here she comes!” and
that is dying.’
That image beautifully
expresses something within the breadth of Christian understanding. And yet
elsewhere within our traditions is a rich heritage that would say the ocean is
not a barrier; that word can travel from shore to shore.
So this All Soul’s
Day, as well as giving thanks for those whom we have loved and no longer see
for now, why not thank them for their faithfulness, to us as well as Christ?
And next time someone
talks to you, quite matter-of-fact, about the most recent conversation they
have had with someone who has passed through death, listen with an open mind,
and heart…
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