Tuesday, August 20, 2024



This morning’s weather started out clement enough for me to eat breakfast outside, but is now rapidly deteriorating. I tried to say this, but also this morning my dyspraxic mouth did not possess the agility to handle six syllables in quick succession, and I got caught in a loop at -or-


Speech is a skill many of us take for granted, and certainly one expected of a public speaker. But speech is a provisional sign, and what it points to is not dependent on our proficiency.

Listening is also a skill; one we pay even less attention than speech. Listening is not so much the interpretation of the speech-sign, as an act of co-creation of the sign.

As all creation declares the Creator’s praise, and as we listen to the provisional voice of the wind, the gathering clouds, the rain, we become more aware of the One from whom we flow and to whom we return.


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