Thursday, August 15, 2024



Today the Church remembers Mary, the mother of Jesus.

By the Holy Spirit, Jesus lived and grew in Mary’s womb for nine months, and thereafter lived and grew in her heart.

By that same Spirit, that same Jesus lives (or can live, if, like Mary, we say yes to God) and grows in our hearts.

The latter is dependent on, but by no means a lesser miracle than, the former. Just as the ‘second’ (not secondary) vocation or purpose of being human, to ‘Love your neighbour as yourself,’ is ‘like’ (that is, dependent on, but the same in every way as) the ‘first,’ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your mind, and with all your strength, and with all your soul.’ Or just as the Son is dependent on, but in all ways equal to, the Father.

As we gaze upon Mary gazing upon Jesus in love, may our lives be transformed so that we look, and live, more and more like him.


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