
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Advent 3 : Making Room In The Bedroom

When God called us to Liverpool, he gave us a particular word of instruction on our part and a particular promise on his part.  We have taken a photograph that represents the word, added the text of a verse from the Bible which represents the promise (using Photoshop), and had it turned into a canvas print, which hangs on the wall opposite our bed.

I am not going to reproduce the digital image here: it is a word God spoke to us, personally, something to be treasured up and pondered on in our hearts (Luke 2:19).  But the principle is worth sharing.  We have heard God say something to us - a word that gives birth to faith; a specific word that gives rise to a specific facet of faith (Romans 10:17) – and we have put that word in a visible form in a place where it is just about the first thing we see when we wake up and the last thing we see before we close our eyes to sleep.

From the mezuzah on a Jewish door frame to the cross or crucifix worn on a chain around the neck, the Judeo-Christian tradition has long understood the value of such prompts, reinforcing memory against forgetting what God has done for us.

Advent: making room for Jesus – in the bedroom.

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