
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Remembering | Reconciliation | Part 2

This is the liturgy I wrote for an act of remembering and reconciliation.

Each one of us comes forward, breaks off a piece of bread, and lays it on the table. Together we say:

This night, Christ will be taken, for us.

Under cover of darkness, we will come for him.
Under cover of darkness, we will betray him with a kiss of friendship.
Under cover of darkness, we will scatter; we will desert him; we will deny knowing him.
And as the dawn breaks, we will weep for ourselves.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness within us has not understood it.
But, the light shall dawn over us, with knowledge of our salvation.

Each one of us comes forward, and places our piece of bread back on the plate. Together we say:

This day, Christ shall die for us.

This day, Christ dies in solidarity with me, as one who has suffered wrongdoing.
This day, we are not left alone in our suffering,
but are caught up in God’s mercy and grace.
This day, we respond with thanks, with eucharist.
This day, Christ dies in substitution for me, as one who has inflicted wrongdoing.
This day, we are not left alone in our inflicting suffering,
but are caught up in God’s mercy and grace.
This day, we respond with thanks, with eucharist.

We pass the plate around, each one of us giving a piece of bread to the next. Then, together we say:

We have remembered Jesus, and in our remembering his body is re-membered.

We choose to remember ourselves as we are, in him.
We choose to remember each other as we shall be, in him.
We choose to be re-membered, to be reconciled with God and neighbour.
We choose to receive, in the bread and the wine, our healing.

We pass the cup around, each one of us serving the next.

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