Sunday, November 05, 2006

Three Fires For Bonfire Night

Yesterday and today, my girl has been poorly. So, while Jo took the boys to church this morning, Susie and I stayed at home. But I wanted to do church in the home, and it being Bonfire Night I thought I’d tell her three fire stories from the Bible. There’s nothing better than sharing stories. The three I chose could easily be expanded to create a worship service.

A story from the Old Testament: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s furnace (read it in Daniel 3)

Applied: thinking about times when we have been, or are, put under pressure to do something we know is wrong…you could bring those situations to God by writing them on a piece of paper and burning it…or for a more child-friendly version, written on paper flames to create a fire picture…

A story from the Gospels: Peter’s brazier (read it in Matthew 26:69-75 // Mark 14:66-72 // Luke 22:54-62 // John 18:15-18, 25-27)

Applied: a time of confessing those times when we have made the wrong choice, and of receiving forgiveness…as above, confession could be written down and burnt…

A story from the New Testament: Paul’s beach bonfire (read it in Acts 27:13-28:6)

Applied: thinking about times when we have been, or are, scared; or even feel specifically under sustained spiritual attack…again (have you spotted the theme yet?), write something down and throw it on the fire, as a symbolic means of giving the circumstances over to God…

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