Sunday, March 12, 2006

BIG Fight At Church Today...

No scandal or heated exchange of deeply-held theological differences here...

By "church" I mean church-as-extended-and-open-family, built around Sunday lunch together.

By "fight" I mean snowball fight!!!

After lunch, at Sean and Alison's, some of the dads - Sean, Meurig, Nick, Brian, me - and one game mum - Michelle (though in their defence, Alison, Laura and Jo were all playing the pregnancy card; and Jane wasn't there. So, Amanda, what was your excuse?!) took our collective menagerie of naughty children out the back to teach them a good lesson...

1. The secret to snowballing is to find the deepest drift of virgin snow, and to mine it speedily but not wastefully.
2. Throwing snow is much more fun than being hit by it...
3. Everyone-versus-Meurig is perfectly fair odds.


  1. Anonymous2:58 pm

    Does the fact that I didn't have waterproof coat, or gloves count as an excuse?..... But at least I can spell Meurig, Sean and Alison !!!!

  2. It's a poor excuse - especially as you have such an accurate aim...
    ; )
