
Friday, December 21, 2018


Today’s #AdventWord is #Sign

The angel told the shepherds that a Saviour had been born, and that the sign would be that they would find a child wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger (Luke 2:12). At the other end of Luke’s Gospel (24:12), Peter finds the linen cloths that had wrapped Jesus for burial ‘by themselves’—a sign to him of the triumph of the Messiah over death. A sign points us to something beyond itself. In the case of cloth, to God-with-us in our struggle for life, from the outset; ultimately defeating the ancient enemy that held sway over us. As we wrap ourselves in a throw to watch Christmas movies or put on new brushed-cotton Christmas pyjamas to snuggle into bed, may we not shut the dark world out but be reminded again of the good news of great joy.

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