
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Maundy Thursday Prayer Stations 2013

Three Maundy Thursday prayer stations used at St James’ this evening, and based on John 13 and on these ideas:

Prayer station: Jesus washes Peter’s feet

In the side chapel, you will find a painting of Jesus washing Peter’s feet, a bowl of water and a towel.

Sit a while.  Allow Jesus to speak to you, through what you see.

Where has he led you since this time last year?  In what ways has he surprised you, or taken you somewhere you were not sure you wanted to follow?

Have there been times of walking together, and times of resting together?

Prayer station: the dust of the road

The disciple’s feet were dusty because they had been following Jesus – his feet stirred up the dust that settled on theirs.

Take a pair of cut-out feet.  Hold them in your hands.  Bring to mind those who are following in your footsteps – your children, godchildren, grandchildren; the home group or cell you lead; anyone who looks to you as you help them to follow after Jesus.

Pray for them.

Place the footprints on the aisle, to create a path.

Prayer station: Love one another

“A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Who are you not yet able to love?

Unity is not agreeing on everything, but loving one another.  Not praying, “Lord, help them to agree with me!” but, “Lord, help me to love them as you do.”

Pray for the unity of the Church:
for the congregations of St James’ and St Peter’s;
for Archbishop Justin Welby, and Pope Francis 1;
for those we disagree with, perhaps on issues of women and authority, or human sexuality;
for children, and the elderly;
for that individual you find hard to love.

Light a candle, to symbolise your commitment to the light of God’s love, shining in the darkness of fear and division.

“Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you will follow later.”

Hold on to the hope that where we want to follow Jesus in loving one another, and are not yet able, we shall in time...

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