
Thursday, October 07, 2010

John Three Sixteen

For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but should have eternal life.

I have bad news, and good news.

The bad news is this: if there is any area of your life where you have not believed in Jesus - the name means "God saves!" - then in that area of your life, you are perishing.

If you have not received the salvation - the saving, rescuing action - of God in Jesus in your life as a whole, then you are perishing.  Right now.  Even the good things in your life are perishing.

If you believe that Jesus is the Saviour of the world, but he is not Saviour of your finances, then that aspect of your life is perishing.  Somehow, however hard you try (however hard you try to save yourself) there is never enough, never quite as much as you feel there ought to be.

If you believe that Jesus is the Saviour of the world, but he is not Saviour of your relationships, then that aspect of your life is perishing.  You just don't love your husband or wife like you once did.  That person used to be a close friend, but things fell apart...

The gospel declares, quite unashamedly, that there is bad news.  But it also declares, quite unashamedly, that there is good news.

The good news is this: if there is any area of your life where you have believed in Jesus - as the one through whom God saves - then in that area of your life, you are moving from death into life in its fullness.

If you have received the salvation - the saving, rescuing action - of God in Jesus in your life as a whole, then you have eternal life within you.  Right now.  Even the bad things in your life are moving from death to life that cannot be taken from us.

If you believe that Jesus is Saviour of your finances, then that aspect of your life is moving from death to life.  Even in a global recession, even laid off work, even when there is no money coming in, you will learn that God is a faithful provider.

If you believe that Jesus is Saviour of your relationships, then that aspect of your life is moving from death to life.  Even though relationships are hard, even though we hurt and are hurt, you will learn that God forgives us and empowers us to forgive; that love grows in our hearts when before it withered.

There is bad news, and there is good news.  And the gospel is the power of God for salvation.  The gospel is always an offence to some, and salvation to others.  Always.  And the gospel is always more than personal salvation - for God so loved the world - but never less than personal salvation - whoever believes in him...

So, where do you recognise your need for salvation today?

Stop trying to save yourself (that is, repent) and accept the salvation God has provided in Jesus (that is, believe).

Don't put it off.  Now (chronos) is the (kairos) time.

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